
Mobian Victini - Origins p8

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Tails POV

I rushed to Sally's house, my two tails flying behind me like yellow banners. I knocked politely on the door, and Bunnie arrived. "Well, howdy-do, sugah! Good to see ya, hon. Come on in."

I walked quickly into the kitchen, and sat in one of the kitchen chairs while Bunnie washed dishes. "I heard from Antoine that you guys went to Robotnik's lab again, today! How come you didn't tell me? Knux is gonna be mad that you didn't tell him, either. You know he likes a good fight."

Bunnie glanced over her shoulder at me while she spoke. "Well, hon, it was kind of a rush job. 'Botnik had captured a forest creature, an' we had to go rescue it 'fore it got robotized."

I picked up a pear slice from the fruit dish in the center of the table and examined it before popping it into my mouth. "Tho, wut thort uf animul wuth it?" I asked through a mouthful of pear.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, hon – it's rude. And we're no' quite sure what species o' animal it is."

I swallowed the last of my pear, and looked at the rabbit inquisitively. "Ya don't know?"

Bunnie sighed and turned from the sink, one arm resting on the counter, the other on her robotized hip. She stared at the far wall of the room, lost in thought. "It's just the weirdest thing. Poor dear looks sort of like a Chao, but I'm convinced that it probably ain't Mobian. I haven't had a chance to talk it over with Sally girl – she n' Sonic rushed it to th' infirmary before I could take so much as a single step."

I leapt from my chair in excitement. "I wanna see it! Can I, Bunnie, pleeeaaaaase?" I begged.

The rabbit held her chin in thought. "Well, it has been almost half an hour… I suppose we could go check up on 'em, see how they're doing."

"Yes!" I celebrated quietly, and dashed for the door from the kitchen to the spare bedroom Sally used as the infirmary. I felt a metallic hand grab one of my tails, holding me back.

"Just a minute, sugah! I think we need to bring some food with us, just in case any o' them are hungry."

"Yeah, that's sure to cheer them up!" I dutifully grabbed the bowl of fruit on the table, and marched toward through the living room. I could faintly hear Bunnie chuckling in the kitchen at my excitement.

The door to the infirmary had a painted red cross on the front. I knocked as quietly as possible, and Sally opened the door. She smiled. "Hi, Tails. Is that for us?"

"Sure is, Sally! Can I come in?"

She stepped aside. "Of course."

I walked into the infirmary, and took in the scene. The creature had several monitors checking for vital organ readings sitting next to it like hulking, lazy monsters. A table of antibiotics and standard medicines sat at the foot of the large bed. The bed itself was occupied by a small, whitish-tan colored animal with large orange ears. It was awake, its large blue eyes fixed curiously (and fearfully, I think) on my face.

Only one thing was missing.

"Where's Sonic?" I asked, confused. "Bunnie said that he was here with you."

Sally had an exasperated look on her face. "He left us just a few minutes ago. I think he's on information overload right now."

I set down the fruit bowl on the table, and knelt by the bedside. The creature looked far different from what I expected – it was small, and its large ears made me think of a rabbit. Its eyes were intelligent and curious. They were also staring at me.

"Aw, it's so cute!" I knelt down by the bed and ruffled the tiny bangs of fur above her eyes. "Are you nice?"

The creature blinked and tilted its head. "Who are you?" it said questioningly. Who are you? I heard the question a second time, vibrating in my head.

I froze. "Did it just-?"

"Yes," Sally interrupted. "Because you came into contact with her fur, she is now able to communicate with you telepathically. She, Tails, not it – she's a girl."

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "That's so cool! My name's Tails! What's yours?"

"Um… I don't have one…" the tiny voice squeaked. "Everyone here just calls me Victini. That's my species name. You have two tails… are you a sort of Vulpix?"

I frowned a bit, because I didn't have a clue what she meant, and also because she was currently nameless. Everyone should have a name – names define people. It's like being born without an arm or a leg, and having grown up with the exercise-loving Sonic, that held a lot of impact. I guess we'll have to work on that. But for now, 'Victini' sure sounds cool!

"Thank you," she said, smiling as though I had given her a compliment. "And yes, I did just read your mind. I can determine who's a friend or foe using my mind. You are innocent and kind, and your heart is pure. I think we can be friends!"

Before I could say something, though, Sally's door was nearly smashed down by a thunderous knocking.

"What the hoo-hah was that?!" Bunnie asked Sally.

The chipmunk rushed to answer it, Bunnie shadowing her footsteps. Both Victini and I sat up straighter, our ears perked for sound.

We could hear voices rising in the other room.

"I just got the news!" the new voice panted; Knuckles. I guessed that he must have run from whatever he was doing straight to Knothole, without stopping. "You guys went and bashed Robotnik without me? How come no one said anything?!"

Sally had her hands on her hips. "Because it was a last-minute schedule change, and we were afraid you would overreact if you found out."

Knuckles lowered his fists at the meaningful tone in her words. "Antoine radioed me and said-"

"Oh, so that's why you're all riled up!" Bunnie interrupted, stepping forward. "Antoine's always over-exaggeratin' everything! What did he say?"

"In between all of his frightened French babbling, he told me that Robotnik kidnapped an innocent creature and tortured it! I came from the Floating Island as fast as I could!" Knuckles voice rose in volume until he was on the verge of yelling.

I glanced over at Victini. She was cowering a little, holding the covers up in front of her face in fright. 'I don't like this, Tails. Who's yelling? I'm frightened!' she whispered to me, her voice shaking.

"Don't worry, Knuckles is a friend," I assured her, and glared in the direction of the doorway. "Knuckles, it's good to see you again, but could you keep it down? You're scaring her!"

All conversation halted in the other room.

Knuckles, of course, was the first to break the silence. "Her? You mean it –I mean SHE– is here right now?"

"Well, what Antoine told you was true, Knuckles," Sally replied. "Robotnik DID capture and torture her, but probably not as drastically as Antoine made you believe. She's in the infirmary right now, recovering from the shock."

"What did he do to her?"

"Robotnik placed her in a sound wave generator. It was so powerful, it made us flinch, and we were across the room in an insulated ceiling vent. I hate to think what it must have been like for her, up close and personal. I was afraid she might have ruptured hearing, but, remarkably, her ears show no signs of damage. Her unique reservoir of biological energy makes her a quick healer."

Knuckles gave a start at the mention of self-produced energy. That was a quality similar to the power gems: the Chaos, Super, and Master Emeralds. "Just what is she?"

Sally filled him in on the details, and he was none too pleased. "Let me through. I want to see just what we're dealing with here. It could be dangerous."

Bunnie reached to stop him, "Wait, sugah, she's just a baby-" but he whisked right past her.

I watched as Knuckles opened the door, and felt Victini cringe under the covers. She watched him with wide eyes.

I felt a strange… sense. I couldn't really describe it, other than the fact that it felt like a fresh breeze lightly brushing my fur. Through the doorway, Sally and Bunnie flicked their ears at the same time that I did, as if they could feel it, too; only Knuckles seemed unaffected. On impulse, I glanced at Victini – she was staring at Knuckles, narrowing her eyes slightly as she appraised him. After a moment or so, she relaxed and had a satisfied look on her face. The sensation passed.

"This is what Robotnik captured and fought to robotize?" Knuckles asked incredulously. "It's little more than a child!" Still, the experienced echidna knew better than to underestimate an opponent. For all they've learned, appearances could be deceiving.

Sally stepped into the room, handing NICOLE to the echidna. "She's more dangerous than you may think, Knux. Take a look."

Knuckles examined the images of destruction Victini had wrought upon the swatbots. He looked furtively at Victini. "You did this?" he asked, and held up the palmtop computer to her. She looked at the pictures for a half-second, then nodded. "How?"

Smiling, she struggled to stand, the wires of the machines disconnecting. Sally and Bunnie took a few steps to stop her, but by then, she was already standing on the edge of the bed. "I'm all better now. I'll show you," she replied, and leapt through the window.

We all rushed outside. Victini was standing- well, wobbling a little- with her back toward us, facing the forest. She toddled forward a few steps, sweeping the undergrowth with her inquisitive blue eyes. They stopped on a low shrub about ten feet from her, her target selected.

Sucking in a massive quantity of air, Victini blew it forcefully at the plant. The air she had inhaled ignited and a massive jet of flame consumed the tiny shrub. Within seconds, it was little more than a pile of ashes.

We all stood speechless. Except Knuckles – he looked mildly impressed. "She can breathe fire? That explains the destroyed swatbots. Wish I'd been there. I've been dying to bust some robot heads."

Victini, pleased at the praise, turned and walked back toward the group. With a slight hop, she leapt into Bunnie's arms. "I'm hungry! Can I have something to eat?" she asked timidly.


This is, in my opinion, the most boring chapter in the fanfic so far. And also, I was a day late. AGAIN. *shot for late, crappy fanfic*

As I've said in the previous chapter, the introductions need to get out of the way first, and then the cool stuff happens.

Please comment - feedback lets me know what I'm doing wrong, so I can fix it.

Chapter 9:[link]
Chapter 7:[link]

© 2011 - 2024 MysticFeather
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SonicRanger-1's avatar
I think it's cool! I enjoy how much Knuckles seems so perfect here! And how experienced he acts, unlike how deeply confused Sonic was. X3 I love this fanfic! Knuckles happens to be on my top five fave Official Sonic Charas!